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School on
Low-Dimensional Geometry and Topology:
Discrete and Algorithmic Aspects

poster minimal surface Institut Henri Poincare

Support for students and post-doctoral researchers

Application is closed! Applicants have been notified by email.

We will be able to provide accommodation, breakfasts, and dinners for 29 students and post-doctoral researchers.

Deadline. March 4th, 2018.

Eligible participants. Students and post-doctoral researchers can apply. Decisions will be made on March 10th at the latest, and notified by email by March 12th.

Location. Accommodation, breakfasts, and dinners take place at FIAP, 30 rue Cabanis, Paris, 14th arrondissement (see map). Be aware that some participants will be lodged in double rooms.

Dates. Accommodation, breakfasts, and dinners are provided from Sunday, June 17th evening to Saturday, June 23rd, morning.

Note that this application for student and post-doc support does not register you to the school. We will make the decision on whom we can support on March 10th at the latest, and depending on the outcome you will have time to register to the school if you wish, by March 15th.

Acknowledgments. This school is funded by the Bézout Labex. We also gratefully acknowledge support from Institut Henri Poincaré. The image at the top of this page is a Chen Gackstatter surface created with 3D-Xplormath.

Contact. geomschool2018sep2listessep1univ-mlvsep1fr.

Labex Bezout    Institut Henri Poincare